Free event! Everyone should take this chance to advocate for the future of pharmacy in North Carolina! Register by March 31st!
2025 Pharmacy Legislative Day
Target Audience Pharmacists, Student-Pharmacists, and Pharmacy Technicians
Welcome! We are very excited about our day at the General Assembly on Wednesday,April 2nd from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM (Sometimes appointments with legislators can get pushed to later in the day, but we try to avoid this if possible). Attendees will be playing an important role in advancing the practice of pharmacy in North Carolina.
Participants will:
Gather with pharmacy professionals from across the state to join their voices in support of pro-pharmacy/pro-patient legislation.
Take Action by educating their elected members of the General Assembly while discussing important pharmacy issues.
Establish or further foster relationships with their legislators.
Support our profession's legislative agenda as it works its way through the legislative process.
Registration is FREE, but REQUIRED so we can prepare for the event.
Pharmacy Legislative Day Preparation Webinar
Check out the webinar above for information on what to expect on Pharmacy Legislative Day.
Below are some answers to questions you might have about the day.
What should I wear/bring?
Comfortable shoes ('nice' tennis shoes are ok), there is no seating, you will be walking or standing for the majority of the day.
Business casual clothing, wear your lab coat, and name badge if you have one.
A collapsible umbrella in the event of inclement weather
You will have to go through security, do not bring anything you aren't willing to carry with you all day.
NCAP will provide you with copies of the talking points documents posted at the bottom of the page.
How will the day proceed?
Attendees should plan to arrive by 9:00 am.Teams will be formed, an all-attendee photo will be taken and the first legislative appointments will begin at 9:30 am. NCAP staff members will greet you on the steps going into the legislative building, located at 16 W Jones Street.
Groups will then enter the building,through security, and begin visiting legislators. Each team will have an assigned guide to help get them to the right place.
In the event that you arrive after 9:30 am, please text (757)-329-6181 and an NCAP staff member will help you.
How will I know where to go during the day?
Lobbyists, NCAP staff, and volunteer leadership will help you in getting to your legislators' offices. You will not be left to fend for yourself!
Above all things, this day is meant to showcase pharmacy professionals. This is your day! Remember to have fun and enjoy the experience.
How will I know about my meetings?
Your information provided in registration for the event will be used to help NCAP prepare for the day. NCAP will make appointments with key legislators and we will assign teams to visit with these legislators, team assignments and appoints will be posted in advance of the event. The appointment schedule will be updated as we make appointments. NCAP cannot guarantee an appointment with your individual representative or senator, but everyone attending will have an opportunity to go by their personal legislator's office. Everyone attending legislative day will have an opportunity to meet with at least 2 key legislators (members of the general assembly who chair a committee, sponsors of our bills, and are part of the general assembly leadership).
In the event that your legislator will not be available for an appointment, please take the time to speak with their administrative aide and leave behind NCAP-provided materials. NCAP staff will assist you in finding legislators' office locations. If NCAP receives updates or cancellations, we will post the information here as quickly as we can. During legislative day, if we receive changes in appointment schedules we will text affected attendees.
What will I say?
You will be provided with talking points prior to your visits. The talking points will focus on passing our legislative agenda and the concerns that we as pharmacists and pharmacy technicians have about policy related to the profession. There is no need to be nervous! Legislators want to hear from you, and you will find them to be very attentive. Just be yourself and you will be very effective. Talk about why you went into pharmacy, where you practice, some of the challenges you face in your daily work, and why the issues that NCAP and you are advocating for are so important to North Carolinians and their health.
How many meetings will I have?
The number of meetings you have will depend on how long you can stay and the availability of your individual legislators. During the day, we plan to have meetings with key legislative leaders, and hopefully with Speaker Hall and President Pro-Tem of the Senate, Phil Berger. We will be scheduling meetings, but given hectic legislative schedules some meetings may overlap, get moved around, or cancelled. We will do our best to follow through and ensure that each Pharmacy Legislative Day attendee gets to participate in one or more meetings.
Ambulatory Care Pharmacists LinkedIn Group - Do you work in the ambulatory care practice setting? If so, this group is for you! Join your colleagues on LinkedIn and stay updated on events, news, and developments in your field. We need as many ambulatory care practitioners to join the group and contribute to the conversation. If you would like to join, visit the group at:
UNC ESOP SURVEY ON METHADONE ACCESS. Please be on the lookout for a timely survey on methadone access at community pharmacies that will be sent by Delesha Carpenter from the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy on (3/7/25) to community pharmacists who are currently practicing in NC. If you do not see the survey, it may be in your “other” tab in Outlook or in your junk mail. Otherwise, you may not have received the survey because eligibility was limited to active NC pharmacists working at independent and chain pharmacies. Please email the study coordinator (Caroline Shubel: [email protected]) with any questions related to the survey.