Government Affairs

The North Carolina Association of Pharmacists has a record of success in advocating for pharmacists and their patients at the General Assembly. Since 2021 we have been successful in having enacted into law the following bills.

In addition, NCAP leadership and your lobbyists have:

  • Testified before legislative committees on COVID-19 related pharmacy issues.
  • Participated in Department of Insurance work group on specialty pharmacy issues.
  • Educated policy makers on all matters related to the practice of pharmacy.
  • Held very successful “advocacy” days at the General Assembly.
  • Established and or deepened existing relationships with national pharmacy organizations and with NC organizations and lobbyists.

Due to the involvement of our members, NCAP has become more firmly positioned as THE VOICE for pharmacy in North Carolina!

NCAP is committed to serving our members' advocacy needs. Our advocacy web pages provide updates, talking points, and other grass-root materials for each of our bills so you can feel empowered and confident in sharing news about the progress of our legislative efforts. 

In the words of Henry Ford:  "Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success"


Members, take a look at the following pages for a deep dive into NCAP's legislative efforts on each of our priority issues:

Current Priority Issues:

Previous Priority Issues: