How to Get Involved
People frequently ask us how they can become more involved with NCAP.
The #1 way is to join!
For those who want to do more, consider any of these simple steps to help you get started.
Reply to a Call to Volunteer At the end of each calendar year a massive call-to-volunteer for committees and projects for the upcoming year goes out via E-news. then additional calls-to-volunteer go out as needed throughout the year. Members interested in serving need only to reply to the "call" as directed.
Call or Email the NCAP Office Not sure how best to get involved, and would like to discuss options? Members are welcome to contact the NCAP executive fellow at [email protected] or call at 984-459-2811.
Ask a Member of the Board of Directors Members are encouraged to interact with our Officers and Board of Directors. For a list of board members, see link for 'Board of Directors' found under the 'About' tab located on the menu bar above.
Ask an Academy, Forum, Network, or Committee Chairperson NCAP supports various practice academies, forums, networks, committees, task forces, and special project teams. If you know you want to volunteer with a specific group, you are encouraged to contact that group's chairperson, directly. A list of these leaders can be found under the 'About' tab.
Complete NCAP Online Volunteer Form Click here to fill out form for committees and/or projects you would be interested in serving on. Indicating more than one area of interest helps us better ensure that we can place most, if not, all volunteers.
Note: Members can use the member directory or call the NCAP Office at (984) 439-1646 to obtain contact information for an officer, member of the Board of Directors, or a chairperson for an NCAP leadership group.
Committee, Task Force & Project Needs:
- Help plan our annual Convention 25th Anniversary Recognition (will be held in early summer, recruiting volunteers now)
- Serve on the NCAP Policy & Advocacy Committee (Meets at 7:30AM every other Monday)
- Strategic Planning for Technician Membership
- Pharmacy Memorabilia Project Team (Seeking members to help find homes for pharmacy memorabilia as NCAP moves offices)
- Live and On-Demand Education Project Planning
- RPD Task Force (Seeking members who are residency program directors to assist with key NCAP related residency initiatives)
Remember to follow our member communications and electronic newsletters for volunteer opportunities
Click here to fill out form for committees and/or projects you would be interested in serving on. Indicating more than one area of interest helps us better ensure that we can place most, if not, all volunteers.