NC CAN - North Carolina Community Pharmacy Alert Network
What Do Community Pharmacies in Need to Know About NC CAN?
The NC CAN communication platform was developed to better connect community pharmacies with the existing public health infrastructure. This messaging system will allow community pharmacies to receive alerts from their local public health department, should the need arise. Currently, the NC CAN platform is uni-directional with messages originating from health departments and sent out to the pharmacies in their county. If you need to contact your local health department, we encourage you to reach out directly!
Here are some quick tips for pharmacies about the NC CAN alerts:
The messages will come via fax.
Yes, we understand that faxing is an antiquated form of communication, BUT, we also realize that this is an easy and reliable way to connect with pharmacies in this time of overwhelming volume and high staff turnover.
The faxed messages will be on a standardized, branded document that is easily recognizable.
The purpose of this is to make sure that if you see this branded message come through, stop and pay attention! You can see the fax template and learn the branding below. Train your staff to recognize this template and flag the messages when they see them. Read them as soon as you get the chance!
The messages will have instructions on how to take action, if necessary.
Whether it's calling a number, filling out a form, or just 'FYI', the messages will include details on any next steps to take.
If you have questions about a specific alert or the network in general, contact us!
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