NC CAN - North Carolina Community Pharmacy Alert Network
What Do Local Health Departments Need to Know About NC CAN?
The NC CAN platform was created to enhance and facilitate communication between local health departments (LHDs) and community pharmacies in their area. It is not intended to be used in emergency scenarios, but rather to alert pharmacies and their staff about public health threats or needs in the community. The goal of this network is to improve public health by developing critical connections between key stakeholders in the community. Additionally, it is intended to increase knowledge and enhance access to the resources that exist within the healthcare landscape across the state.
Ready to connect with pharmacies?
If you are affiliated with a local health department in NC, you can submit an 'alert' or message to the community pharmacies in your county via the NC CAN network by using the message intake form linked below. If you have questions about how or what to submit, please email Megan Witkowski ([email protected]) or Penny Shelton ([email protected]) using the subject line 'NC CAN QUESTION'. You can also call (984)439-1646 during normal business hours.
Areas of focus for this network could include (but are not limited to):
Mobilizing for outbreaks
COVID, Monkey Pox, Hepatitis A, etc.
COVID testing, treatment, etc.
Childhood and adult immunizations
Flu, Tdap, pneumonia, shingles, COVID, etc.
Preventing opioid overdoses and treatment for Opioid Use Disorder
Unplanned pregnancy prevention
Migrant farmworker health
Tobacco cessation and tobacco-related illness
Post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV
**Communications will only be sent during normal business hours, M-F, 9am-5pm. Your message will be relayed to the community pharmacies in your selected area within 48 business hours of submission.**
Ambulatory Care Pharmacists LinkedIn Group - Do you work in the ambulatory care practice setting? If so, this group is for you! Join your colleagues on LinkedIn and stay updated on events, news, and developments in your field. We need as many ambulatory care practitioners to join the group and contribute to the conversation. If you would like to join, visit the group at: